Joint organiser: Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)

This Policy Lab will take place on 16 November, 10:00-17:00 CET in Madrid, Spain, with online streaming available.

The 2020 New Leipzig Charter reiterates the core message of its predecessor, the 2007 Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities, to move past the silo mentality and towards an ‘integrated approach’ in urban policies. This powerful concept has come a long way since 2007. However, while it has entered mainstream policy in EU Member States, its implementation has been riddled with challenges.

The event will explore pioneering examples of the integrated approach in urban policies at different scales within Spanish and wider European contexts. The main objectives for the day are:

  • To exchange knowledge and experiences on the incorporation of the integrated approach in urban policies
  • To learn from context-specific policies and programmes at different levels: EU, national and local
  • To inspire local experimentation and uptake of integrated approaches, based on the wider policy context for sustainable urban development envisioned by the New Leipzig Charter and within the framework of the Spanish Urban Agenda
  • To promote the integrated approach at the municipal level